Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's Moving Season!

Last weekend, I went to San Antonio and took the first truckload (well, SUV-load) of stuff to the house.  Most significantly, Mittons and my keg-a-rator now reside at our southern home (and I honestly don't know which one "Antonio" was more excited about).  From now on, every time I visit, I'll be taking a tote or two (or three) of stuff that we know will be going to the house.  My Halloween stuff is down there, with my tote of Christmas things soon to follow.  For the next six weeks or so, I'm always going to be running inventory in my head -- do we have one of these at the house already?  Is there a spare for the condo?  What can I take, and when?  It's going to be kind of nice to do a gradual move, especially with it being such a short distance.  The condo is really close to my apartment too -- less than a mile! -- so that will be relatively easy to furnish once I take possession in a couple weeks.

In the meantime, my friends Erin & Chad are moving this weekend too.  They are fellow Iowan-to-Austinites, having moved here about the same time as me.  Their lease was up and they (like me) wanted to find a living space in Austin that was more suited to what they wanted, as well as a bit more affordable.  What is nice is that we will be able to take on the moves together -- I am lending them some totes (the ones Antonio used for his recent move into the house) and boxes, and then I will get those back (and a bunch more empties) once they have moved.  Antonio's coming up this weekend and we are going to help Erin & Chad move, as we've done for each other the last few moves we've gone through.  They will be needing a washer and dryer at their new place, which works out well for me, as I'm going to need to sell mine.  It's nice how this is all working out.  I'm going to take it as a sign that I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing...not just moving, but moving forward.

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